
  • Mozilla launches updated Things gateway

Windows 10 at the centre of smart homes?

Microsoft will continue to develop Windows 10 in order to work with a wider range of devices in the home. Support for a wider range of devices will come with the integration of protocols established by the Open Connectivity Foundation, a foundation with members like Qualcomm, Samsung, Cisco and Microsoft. The OCF will create a set of open specifications and protocols to enable devices from a variety of manufactures to securely and seamlessly interact with one another. This can contribute to the further expansion of home automations systems in the house. Users will be able to program “actions” so the personal assistant, Cortana, can be used to switch on lights, air conditioning or even unlock cars. For example, users will be able to speak, “lights” to their smartphones, and the bulbs will turn on.

Belgian Centre for Domotics and Immotics (BCDI)
+32 (0)2 716 43 90
  Een initiatief van Buildwise en Sirris
Une initiative de Buildwise et de Sirris
An initiative of Buildwise and Sirris

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