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EnOcean Alliance and IBM join forces for IoT!

IBM and the EnOcean Alliance will bring sensors to the cloud and develop self-powered solutions as a standard for the Internet of Things (IoT). Together, both partners standardize the EnOcean to IP interface and simplify the usage of applications in the IoT. This, for example, allows the integration of energy-harvesting wireless technology into the IBM Watson IoT Platform to conduct predictive and real-time analysis of facilities. These solutions can be used in various cases from asset management, ambient assisted living projects, insurance or hotel and campus projects, giving maintenance-free wireless switches and sensors based on EnOcean technology.

Belgian Centre for Domotics and Immotics (BCDI)
+32 (0)2 716 43 90
  Een initiatief van Buildwise en Sirris
Une initiative de Buildwise et de Sirris
An initiative of Buildwise and Sirris

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