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British consumers prefer smart home technology over wearable technology

A survey amongst 2000 British consumers revealed that over half of Brits think that smart home technology will help their daily lives. Three quarters of those surveyed can’t see wearable technology making their lives easier any time soon.

Most of the respondents are looking forward to the benefits of connected home devices: 

  • economizing on costs
  • contributing to a better support of elderly needing help
  • switching off automatically energy consumption when everyone has left the room
  • informing regularly on the home security system
  • making remote home control possible

The biggest challenge will be to create more consumer awareness on the existence of all these smart home technologies.

Belgian Centre for Domotics and Immotics (BCDI)
+32 (0)2 716 43 90
  Een initiatief van Buildwise en Sirris
Une initiative de Buildwise et de Sirris
An initiative of Buildwise and Sirris

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